The Knock on Your Door

agenda 21The sun is above the horizon, its early morning warmth already seeping through the trees on the East side of your home.  The melody of bird song echoes across the vegetable garden. You breath in deeply, the energy of your land lighting an inner smile deep in a sacred part of your soul.

There’s a knock on your door. It creaks slightly as you open it. Four men stand on the stoop. One is short, frumpy and balding. The other three are broad shouldered, uniformed and armed.

“I am the District Manager of the Rural Lands Council. These…,” the short man casts a stubby finger at the others, “…are United Nations Marshals under authority of the Department of Homeland Security.”

Cold, surreal, queasy fingers of panic clutch at your gut. I wish I had listened. I should never have turned in my guns when they were here last.

The pudgy man’s impersonal tones cut through the fog of your growing fear and anger as he thrusts a thick stack of legal—looking papers at you, “This is a Notice of Pending Exercise of Eminent Domain and Eviction.” He pauses, his features smug, and adds, “We will be relocating you and your family to a Re-settlement Area in thirty days. After that you will be assigned to be a proper sustainable planned community.”


* * * * *

Did you just snort to yourself, “this is absurd, impossible…this is America…that could never happen here?”


It is time to step out of your normalcy bias and become aware of the “big plan” the globalists have carefully designed and, imperceptibly,  step by step, been carefully implementing over the past decades. My #1 Best Selling book, the first of three volumes,  Land for Love and Money (named Best Real Estate and Best Business Investing Book of 2012-USA Book Review) delves into many facets of the current multi-pronged alarming attacks on private property. (Amazon,, bookstores,

Space does not allow coverage of these consistent erosions from many sources. So I will focus—with commentary and some excerpts from the book—on the key macro assault underway.

Ever hear of “Agenda 21”? If not, it might be time to listen. The United Nations Agenda 21 is fully supported by our current Administration and many in American government. One sentence from the United  Nations Agenda 21 treatises sum up why you should be afraid—very afraid: “Private Property Ownership is the primary cause of Social Injustice”—United Nations—

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992 was the genesis of “Agenda 21.” This forty-chapter, ever-evolving bible of globalism, obliteration of rights of sovereign nations, and elimination of personal liberties for the good of the collective, is divided into four sections: (I) Social and Economic Dimensions, (II) Conservation and Management of Resources for Development, (III) Strengthening the Role of Major Groups, (IV) Means of Implementation.

Warm, fuzzy language, ambiguous or general in meaning was, and is cleverly used as a cloak for the poison pill which has been ingested by and now permeates governments and government policies at Federal, regional and local levels worldwide, the United States included. There are those who get lost in the feel good “sustainability, poverty, education” language and are inclined to dismiss any thought of a more sinister intent directed at the sovereignty of nation states, or individual freedoms. Are we misreading the words or intent? Here are excerpts from the Agenda 21 Treatise itself:

Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level (emphasis added).

The danger of ambiguous diversionary language is that it is used to conceal motives that were not part of the original intention of those who ratified the agreement, and such non-specific language covers all the bases. In other words, even if you assume this all began with honorable intentions, Agenda 21 has morphed into an international attack on private property rights everywhere.

Here is more from Agenda 21—Core Document:

“Humanity stands at a defining moment in history. We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being.”

“Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.” (emphasis added).

7.27. Access to land resources is an essential component of sustainable low-impact lifestyles…Furthermore; the rising costs of urban land prevent the poor from gaining access to suitable land. In rural areas, unsustainable practices, such as the exploitation of marginal lands and the encroachment on forests and ecologically fragile areas by commercial interests and landless rural populations, result in environmental degradation, as well as in diminishing returns for impoverished rural settlers…The objective is to provide for the land requirements of human settlement development…physical planning and land use so as to ensure access to land to all households and…encouragement of communally and collectively owned and managed land (emphasis added). Particular attention should be paid to the needs of women and indigenous people for economic and cultural reasons.”

“All countries should consider…a comprehensive national inventory of their land resources which will be classified according to their most appropriate uses and environmentally fragile or disaster-prone areas will be identified for special protection measures.”

It is time to step out of the box of blind faith that “tomorrow will be just like today”. Tomorrow indeed may not be like today at all. “They” want a darkly different future than you have taken for granted. The overall intent of Agenda 21 in its own words appears to assert that on a country by country basis, wealth—specifically land/real estate–should be redistributed from the few to the many, population should be moved, or forced to move, into compact urban areas (“human settlement”) from rural areas, especially away from “fragile or disaster prone areas,” or areas which are subjectively determined by a faceless bureaucracy to be “inappropriately used.” The process in the United States is well under way guised in the distracting veils of “World Heritage” and “Critical Biosphere” areas.

To be clear–someone else, far away, wants to determine what the “appropriate use” is for your real estate:

“…Laws and regulations suited to country-specific conditions are among the most important instruments for transforming environment and development policies into action, not only through ‘command and control’ methods, but also as a normative framework for economic planning and market instruments.

“8.14. …it is essential to develop and implement integrated, enforceable and effective laws and regulations that are based upon sound social, ecological, economic and scientific principles.”

“8.16. The overall objective is to promote, in the light of country-specific conditions, the integration of environment and development policies through appropriate legal and regulatory policies, instruments and enforcement mechanisms at the national, state, provincial and local level.”

I—and virtually everyone I know involved in land and real estate—and many others, are all supporters of “sustainable” resources, good “land use”, a sparkling “environment” and helping less fortunate folks help themselves. I am a rancher as well as an author and AM Radio Host ( My life, income, passions and energy flow from the land. But, I have come to realize that our concept of the end game of these objectives, and support for free individuals incentivized to do the right thing not only by conviction, but because they are owners of and vested in land, is wholly different than the rapidly emerging grand plans of global authority, control, regulation, implementation, enforcement, and confiscation by Agenda 21 and its supporters. For those of you looking out the window and shrugging, I only have a residential lot, this doesn’t affect me, read Agenda 21 on the United Nation’s own site, Suburbs and urban area single family home neighborhoods are among the first targets.

If ownership of property is a foundational cornerstone of liberty and self-reliance here in America, and the price of freedom is vigilance, then we all know what we have to do. Be informed, be aware, raise hell when your local or state government starts spewing “Agenda 21 speak” or attempting to adapt destructive Agenda 21 policies (always attractively wrapped in distractive and intentionally misleading warm fuzzy universal language). It is time to get informed, take action and stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow property owners for the Constitution, for America’s Sovereignty, and for our rights as free men and women.

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